Sunday, May 30, 2010

Yoga Toes

Studies Show Yoga Has Multiple Benefits
By Johannes R. Fisslinger
With thousands of Yoga Studios and Millions of Yoga and Pilates Students participating in the Yoga Month 09.2008 national awareness campaign and the 10 City Yoga Health Festivals you might ask yourself, what exactly are the health benefits of yoga? Is there scientific proof that yoga actually works in preventing disease or healing chronic health issues?

Scientific studies have shows that Yoga induces a feeling of well-being in healthy people, and can reverse the clinical and biochemical changes associated with metabolic syndrome, according to results of studies from Sweden and India. Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of heart disease risk factors such as high blood pressure, obesity and high blood sugar.

Dr. R.P. Agrawal, of the SP Medical College, Bikaner, India, and colleagues evaluated the beneficial effects of yoga and meditation in 101 adults with features of metabolic syndrome. In the study, 55 adults received three months of regular yoga including standard postures and Raja Yoga, a form of transcendental meditation daily, while the remaining received standard care.

Waist circumference, blood pressure, blood sugar, and triglycerides were significantly lower, and “good” HDL cholesterol levels were higher in the yoga group as compared to controls, Agrawal’s team reports in the journal Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice.

In the second study, published online December 19 in BioMed Central Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Dr. Anette Kjellgren from the University of Karlstad, Sweden and colleagues evaluated the beneficial effects of yoga-like breathing exercises on healthy volunteers.

Fifty-five adults were advised to practice “Sudarshan Kriya,” which involves cycles of slow normal and rapid breathing exercises. The exercises were practiced for an hour daily, six days a week for six weeks, while 48 controls were advised to relax in an armchair for 15 minutes daily.


the end of the study period, feelings of anxiety, stress and depression were significantly lower and levels of optimism significantly higher in the yoga group compared to the control group, Kjellgren and colleagues report.

Yoga induces a “relaxation response” associated with reduced nervous system activity and a feeling of well-being probably due to an increase in antioxidants and lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol, they suggest.

Yoga not only helps in prevention of lifestyle diseases, but can also be “a powerful adjunct therapy when these diseases arise,” co-investigator Dr. Faahri Saatiglou, from the University of Oslo, told Reuters Health. “We do not emphasize this point enough in our Western health care.”

SOURCES: Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, December 2007, BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, online December 19, 2007.

Article Source:

Yoga Month is a grassroots, community-based global campaign to educate people about the health benefits of yoga and to inspire a healthy lifestyle. Yoga Month is a year-round campaign and will peak Sept. 2008 with millions of health & social conscious individuals practicing yoga at thousands of yoga studios and homes around the world.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to yoga that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our yoga toes website.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Ashtanga Yoga

Yoga has its roots in India and now widespread all across the world and millions of people are enjoying the various health benefits by following some regular yoga exercises. Although, doing any kind of exercises on a regular basis can help you in maintaining good health but yoga has its own benefits without putting too much strain on your body. It helps in relaxing your muscles and calming your mind. It helps in developing fresh coordination among mind, body and soul. A simple set of yoga exercises can provide you a healthy life for future. There are various yoga poses that give yourself a healthy body, relaxation and improve your inner strength.

Nowadays many yoga centers are become available online and providing their yoga classes online through High Definition Video. These classes are very beneficial for those who are busy with their hectic work schedule and short of time. They can join the desired yoga classes as per their own convenience. It allows them to maintain their own yoga schedule depending upon the time and space availability. You just require a calm and clean place with no disturbance.

It is often good to start with some basic exercises and after mastering you can move to complex set

of exercises later. You can start with bridge pose but you need to make sure you stretch first to avoid injury.

The most important thing is to maintain a tight schedule for yoga exercises to easily manage your daily activities. This can be achieved by practicing several yoga posses online that are part of yoga. You can also try cat pose which you can easily understand how a cat stretches her body.

There are several yoga poses online which can be performed in standing position. Make sure you employ the proper posture before starting a new exercise. Always follow the instructor guidelines. A simple big toe pose can be done by touching you big toe without arching your back. There are numerous yoga poses which can be learned online without any hesitation and complexity.

Divine Wellness is an Interactive Health Portal that provides articles and tips of various yoga exercises, yoga poses online and helps you learn more about Naturopathy & Yoga Treatment in India.

Visit our website for more information on Yoga poses online and Naturopathy & yoga treatment in India.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to yoga that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our ashtanga yoga website.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Yoga Teacher Training

Choose The Best Yoga Classes Online That Is Best For Beginners
Today, everyone wants to keep fit and healthy and wants to excel in all areas of life. It may be work and family of both. Many people refrain from joining yoga classes because of time and complexity involved. For those people, there is good news "natural teeth whitening", now many online sites offer personalized online yoga classes. One can start doing basic yoga exercises in the initial stage and after gaining full knowledge continue with the exercises right. But before you start yoga classes is important for you to know some basics.

Choose the best yoga classes online that is best for beginners. There are several types of yoga that you can choose the best for him / her "types of acne". A particular exercise depends on their physical and mental health. Do not try to put extra pressure on your body, because it can cause serious health problems. Start gradually and steadily move firmly. According to the gurus of yoga, Hatha Yoga is a type of yoga to begin with.

It is commonly known as the gentle yoga best suited for beginners. Finally, you can move on to other exercises at a later stage.

The main goal of yoga is to connect the physical, mental and spiritual body. Are encouraged to attend yoga classes online custom to make a good start, and which guides you step by step through basic yoga exercises. A slow start will help your body thoroughly analyze the way the body reacts to these yoga exercises. It will also help keep your focus and find calm. In yoga, it is not important how long it is taking, but what efforts are being made to do yoga. Do not try to compete with anybody.

You can take advantage of yoga exercises on a regular basis following the manner described. You can help improve your body in every way possible. Whether physical, mental or spiritual. "natural teeth whitening"
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We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to yoga that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our yoga teacher training website

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Raw Food Yoga

Make Sure You Use Proper Posture Before Starting A New Exercise
Yoga has its roots in India and has spread around the world and millions of people are enjoying the different health benefits, according to some regular yoga exercises. While doing all kinds of regular exercise can help maintain good health but yoga has its own benefits without putting too much strain on your body. It helps relax muscles and calm your mind. It helps develop coordination between the fresh mind, body and soul. A simple set of yoga exercises can provide a healthy life for the future. There are various yoga postures that give a healthy body, relaxation and improve your inner strength. "types of acne"

Today many yoga centers have become available online and provide their classes online through yoga HD video. These classes are very beneficial to those who are busy with their hectic work schedule and little time. They can participate in yoga classes at their own convenience desired. This allows them to keep on your own yoga depending on the time and space availability. They just need a quiet and clean, without disturbance "natural

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It is often good to start with some basic exercises and then can move on to mastering complex set of future periods. You can begin to bridge pose but make sure that the first installment to avoid injury.

The most important thing is to keep a tight yoga exercise program to easily manage their daily activities. This can be achieved by practicing yoga online have several that are part of yoga. You can also try to raise cat who can understand how a cat stretches its body.

There are several online yoga poses that can be done in a standing position. Make sure you use proper posture before starting a new exercise. Always follow the guidelines of the instructor. A simple toe pose can be done by touching the big toe, without arching your back. There are many yoga poses that can be learned online without any hesitation and complexity. "natural teeth whitening"
About the Author
Content related for your good wealth like how to make money fast and best way to make money online. Mostly people fine the online free tech product review like best mobile phone review

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to yoga that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our raw food yoga website

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Yoga Accessories

Seventh limb of the eight limb of the Patanjali Yoga Sutra, Meditation, implies focusing the mind’s energy at one point to create a deep state of relaxation and tranquility. Meditation calms one's mind, enriches concentration leading an individual to a heightened level of awareness. Fluctuations of the mind ceases and one discover the all-encompassing stillness. Meditation, by weakening those elements of the mind which leads to negative thoughts, helps to maintain and control the thought processes of an individual. As the fluctuations of the mind ceases, the individual can concentrate on the single point. This stage ultimately leads to the equilibrium of mind. A serene state of mind is experienced, which in the process, liberates him/her from anxiety, depression and stress. With meditation, the body is relaxed and he mind is rejuvenated. Since thousand of years, meditation is known to alleviate suffering and promote healing. The psychosomatic illnesses are healed with meditation. By erasing the negative thoughts, meditation channelizes the mind and soul and lead them to a spiritual insight. It helps one to develop the latent powers of mind.

Meditation can be well accompanied by a soothing music. Since time immemorial, meditation, yoga and music are intrinsically related to one another. Music have a healing and soothing effect on the listener's mind and right kind of meditation and yoga music balances the human organism through its rhythmic pattern of tones. Be it any yoga form, Kundalini Yoga or Hatha Yoga, Bikrama Yoga or Iyengar Yoga, music have a strong effect on the mind, brain and nervous system of an individual. Right kind of meditation music gifts a calming and refreshing meditative mood and leads one to a harmonious waking state.

Meditation music should inspire feelings of joy and calmness of mind. Soothing music, by drowning all other disrupting noises, can inspire one and elevate his consciousness. Listening to it, improves mental and physical health and relieves stress. Spirit Voyage, the online music company, offers a number of meditation and yoga music CDs and DVDs aiding a listener to soothe his mind, body and spirit. The spiritual meditation music collection aids in healing and relaxation. The Kundalini Sadhana Music collection includes the set of seven meditations, Aquarian Sadhana by Yogi Bhajan, that are to be chanted every morning. Aquarian by Nirinjan Kaur, Kundalini Meditation by Harijiwan Khalsa, Illumination by Guru Shabad Singh Khalsa, Live At Five! by GuruGanesha Singh, Melody

and Majesty by Satkirin Kaur Khalsa are some of the exclusive music for Kundalini meditations.

Spirit Voyage offers Meditation Music for Relaxation. This kind of music is suited for relaxation, creating an environment of deep meditation and relax the body and mind. Yoga Living Series - Meditative Moon by Spirit Voyage Artists, Sanctuary by Donna De Lory, EPIPHANY by Manose are some of the wonderful music collection that promotes peace and leads a mind to a realm of tranquility.

Gongs are believed to be one of the most deep and expansive healing instrument. the vibration of the gong facilitates our connection with the infinite higher self. A gong vibration strengthen the mind and the nervous system instantly. Spirit Voyage offers Gongs, Bells & Bowls CDs. These CDs, compiling the sounds of gongs and bells, create vigorous frequencies that are ideal for healing, meditation and relaxation.

Spirit Voyage also offers Healing and Massage Therapy Music CDs that are used in Reiki healing sessions and other therapy sessions. Liquid Bells Tibetan Bowls by Damien Rose, Invocation of Divine Light by Gurunam Joseph Michael Levry, The Essential Touch by James Asher, Healing Ragas by Mandala are few CDs among the myriad collection.

Japji Sahib and Daily Banis from Spirit Voyage mediation music collection includes audio and video CDs that helps one to focus on meditation and induce the deep transformational process as the aspirant recites Japji and other daily banis. Japji Sahib by WAH!, Jaap Sahib by Sat Nirmal Kaur Khalsa, So Purkh by Nirinjan Kaur are some of the exclusive CDs in the offering.

Different Yoga DVD collection from Spirit Voyage includes some fantastic composition which produce a meditative mood and improves mental and physical health. A Kundalini Yoga DVD or the a General Yoga DVD, Bhangra DVD or Children's yoga DVDs shall be your gateway to find inner peace and explore the spiritual aspects of yoga. Let your mind and spirit diffuse in the supreme consciousness with the Spirit Voyage music as you lead yourself to a divine odyssey with yoga and meditation music.

About the Author :

The author writes for Spirit Voyage which offers a collection of yoga music and meditation music CDs and DVDs. This company essentially tend to infuse a spirit of harmony and peace within the people with its collection of yoga DVD, yoga clothing and books.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to yoga that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our yoga accessories website

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Yoga Positions For Beginners

Ananta is the name of the thousand-headed serpent upon which famous deity Vishnu rests at the bottom of the primordial ocean.

Ananta is also a name for Vishnu himself. While he sleep a lotus grows from his navel. In that lotus is born Brahma, the Creator of the universe.

The pose imitates the stalk increasing from the navel with the extended leg in that position.

This pose is found in the temple dedicated to Lord Ananta Padmanabha of Trivandrum in South India.

By seeing the archeological verification of yoga postures in motifs and statues, we see the ancient history of yoga revealed in art.

Ananta is a Sanksrit word deriving from ancient Hindu and yoga traditions.

Lie down on a carpet and turn on one side of your body. If you have turned on the right side then use the right arm that is now below your chest to hold up your posture.

Stretch it out and fold it at the prod and place your palm below your head to act as a cushion for the steps to follow.

Now lift your left leg that is on the top of your body, fold it at the knee and hold the big toe of your left leg with your left hand that also is on the top. Keep mouthful of air normally.


1. Lie on your back.

2. Roll over onto the right side.

3. Bend your right arm, and transport your right hand under your head with the fingers toward your chin.

4. Flex both feet.

5. Try to keep your whole body in one line, not undulating to one side or the other.

6. Bend the left knee, and take hold of the left big toe with your left hand.

7. Straighten the left leg to the ceiling

as much as possible.

8. Maintain the balance on the side without rolling.

9. Repeat lying on the left side.

Benefits of Anantasana

1.It is suggested that Anantasana stretches and promotes circulation in the calf and hamstring muscles, thereby strengthening them.

2.This pose can tone muscles thereby preventing problems related to hernia.

3.Anantasana is also supposed to tone the pelvis.

4.Practicing Anantasana can improve your balance.


1.Arthritis and sciatica. Mental stress and strain. Stress related disorders: hypertension, pepticulcer and colitis

2.General physical and mental fatigue

3.Genitor- urinary disorders of uterus, urinary bladder, testes ovaries and prostate.

4.Disorders of sex glands.

5.Oedema of legs or arms menstrual disorders


Bend your right knee and grab the toes with your right hand’s forefinger and thumb.

If you don’t yet have the stretch needed to hold the toes after the leg is again straightened, loop a yoga belt or strap around the sole of the right foot and grasp it as close to your foot as probable while still being able to make straight the leg.

As you exhale, extend the right arm and leg up at the same time toward the ceiling. Both your resting leg and your comprehensive leg should be actively stretch and straight.

Read more on Benefits of Anantasana and Makarasana Benefits and Yoga Poses

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to yoga that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our yoga positions for beginners

Monday, May 24, 2010

Namaste Yoga

Sanskrit is an ancient Indian language and Sanskrit mantras are ancient spiritual discipline. Since time immemorial, Sanskrit Mantras play an important role in different rituals and spiritual practices. Sanskrit Mantras have the power to transcend the mind of an individual to a higher states of consciousness. When chanted with all heart, Sanskrit Mantras have a profound impact upon an individual. The powerful sound waves generated by the mantras promote deeper healing, spiritual insight and growth. Even the shortest phrases and the simplest chants of Sanskrit Mantras are packed with energy. Sanskrit Mantras, when chanted with all heart, produce a vibration that helps an individual realize a divine power within. It transcends a human mind to a state of rejuvenation. As one chants the Sanskrit Mantras, he heals himself from the chores and stress of life.

In the realms of yoga, Sanskrit Mantras form an integral part. It is also an ancient technique used in meditation. The Sanskrit Mantras help a yoga aspirant to achieve the ultimate salvation. In every yoga form, be it Bhakti Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Vikrama Yoga or Kundalini Yoga, Sanskrit Mantras stimulate the positive energy within the practitioner and help him to reach a higher spiritual focus. The repeatation of the mantras (Japa) elevate the practitioner to an altered state of awareness. He or she can connect with his / her soul at the most profound level, hence attain a state of universal consciousness. The body is set at rest and the mind is silenced of surface thoughts and worries.

Spirit Voyage, an online music company, welcomes all yoga aspirant to a journey of deeper spiritual insight. This music company offers a variety of Sanskrit Mantra CDs and DVDs that include various mantra chants and hymns. The use of traditional mantras and instruments such as harmonium, tablas, sitar, guitar, drums and others contribute to create a mystic melody, which soothe the senses and relaxes the nervous system. The enchanting voice of renowned artistes like Deva Premal, Krishna Das, WAH! and others are complied in the Mantra CDs. An individual can achieve the stage of divine salvation by the chanting the verses of the mantra. Chanting these, he is driven far away from the material possessions and realize the supreme conscious of his actual "Self".

Spirit Voyage, with its huge collection of Yoga Music and Meditation Music CDs and DVDs, help to create a calm ambiance

and set up the right mood for a yoga and meditation session. Spirit Voyage artistes have a deep spiritual connection with their music and their soothing voice can reinvigorate the divine senses of many. The different kind of Meditation Music offered by Spirit Voyage includes melodious pieces by Guru Shabad Singh Khalsa, Snatam Kaur, Satkirin Kaur Khalsa will subtly produce a tender and refreshing mood. Meditation Drum by David and Steve Gordon, Eternal Om by Robert Slap, Venus Gong by Sotantar Simrat Singh are some of the amazing collection of Cds that will be help one to meditate and relax. Meditations for Transformation: Experience & Project by Snatam Kaur will be a finest guide in a meditation session.

There are Yoga DVD sets which will be a helpful aid for a yoga aspirant in his yoga and meditation sessions. Flow Yoga for Beginners by Shiva Rea, Ashtanga Yoga Beginners Practice by Nicki Doane will be perfect guide for the one who aims to begin the discipline of yoga or Ashtanga Yoga: the Primary Series Yoga DVD by Robert Freeman will be a real help for any yoga practitioner. Spirit Voyage also offers collection of Kundalini Yoga DVDs, General Yoga DVDs, Ashtanga Yoga DVDs which will help one to practice yoga with utmost perfection.
The Kundalini Yoga DVD's feature instructions by popular Kundalini teachers including Snatam Kaur, Gurmukh, Nirvair, Gurutej Kaur, Sat Jiwan, Mantra Girl, and of course, Yogi Bhajan. Spirit Voyage's Kundalini Yoga DVDs start with mantras to tune in the body and the mind, followed by yoga postures and often incorporate music and mantra, that promotes deeper healing.

The Yoga Music CDs and DVDs are the best way which enables a practitioner to stay in shape, find inner peace, as well as explore the spiritual sides of yoga. The vibration, chants and the harmonics of the Sanskrit Mantras help to diminish the rigid constraints of the mind and one can experience an eternal bliss. With Spirit Voyage's music collection, inspire yourself towards an ethereal journey of divinity and bliss.

About The Author:

The author writes for Spirit Voyage which features a collection of yoga music and meditation music and multiple yoga accessories. This site essentially tend to infuse a spirit of harmony and peace of mind and body with its collection of yoga DVDs, yoga clothing and books.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to yoga that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our namaste yoga website.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Yoga Certification

As it turns out, yoga class isn’t just for flexibility and health. Many people that participate in specific yoga exercises report that they grow taller after just a few weeks. The positive effects that yoga has on posture, flexibility, and general health and well-being make it one of the most advantageous activities for people to do even if their goal isn’t specifically to grow taller.

Yoga is defined as a combination of both mental and physical disciplines that originated in India. Yoga has several major branches of discipline and it is important to note that not all – not even most – types of yoga will help you grow taller.

Yoga can increase height by encouraging correct posture and proper alignment of the spinal column. Additionally, yoga strengthens the support muscles and supports the loss of potentially harmful abdominal fat, which can also lead to bad posture.

Yoga is one of the fastest growing types of exercises in the world and there are many more advantages to it besides its height increasing capabilities, although yoga is now considered to be one of the most important stretching exercises to increase height.

In addition to being an excellent

height increase exercise, yoga is also great for:

Insomnia – Sleep is one of the most important factors for increasing height at any age and yoga is extremely good for promoting restful, productive sleep and that, in turn, is helpful for allowing your body to recuperate and heal faster from the day's events and grow taller exercises..

Appearance – Want to know how to appear taller fast? Yoga will improve your posture so that you stand taller and more confident almost immediately after starting. Though improved posture isn't the only important element in growing taller, by optimizing your posture you can expect to gain up to an inche to two inches in height because you are slightly straightening the natural "S" curve of your spine.

Flexibility – When you set out to grow taller naturally, you will be asking your body to bend and flex and become stronger in ways that it’s probably not used to. While this is completely normal, you may encounter soreness and some muscle fatigue along the way. Yoga can be instrumental in easing your body through this transition due to increasing your body's resilience and natural recuperative properties.

Though yoga is only one of the many ways to get taller, it should be seriously considered because of the multiple benefits it has not only for your height but your overall health.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to yoga that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our yoga certification website.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Types Of Yoga

Below, you'll find extensive information on leading types of yoga articles and products to help you on your way to success.

Womens Workout: An Essential Way To Get A Good Body

If you are women, you should record this because the women body is entire opposite with men body. You need to do few workouts to loss your weight and fat. For nformation,Ballet dancers they are attractive performers on the floor . They carry with them a grace and prowess that many people care that they could have.Additionally, their bodies are genuinely works of art. Their physique, aliveness and muscle tone can be things to be envious of.

Most workout routines are geared towards reducing body fat and gaining muscle tone.Ballet dance can be a wonderful aerobic workout and that means that your blood is exploit to act pumping.By working your body at a higher appraise you could commence to destroy few of those fat stores that you would like to get rid of.Much of ballet has to do with your body positions and achieving sure shapes with your legs and arms. Due to all of this you will be doing a fair quantity of stretching throughout your workout. This stretching can improve to growth your overall flexibility.

Choreography dancing can be a wonderful workout for any people to act in. Though you may not end up dance in The Nutcracker#Oscine# you might await to collect quite a few benefits from your new fitness regime. Nevertheless, perhaps the most fundamental

benefit that you can await is the fun that you can have while you are dance. Considering what you compliments to gain from your yoga workout is other decision to make. This depends on whether you salutation to exercise yoga for difficulty assistance, balance and toughness improvement, or weight loss.Few routines allot you to add multiple benefits into one workout.

Yoga Booty Ballet is one of the numerous workouts that roll all of yoga benefits into one. It is a series of DVD that allow you to combine yoga with cardio dance and a body sculpting function. It can be through in the comfort of your own place, or you could process out unitedly with friends. The nice thing about Yoga Booty Choreography is that you do not acquire to get bored from yoga and you do fun things with yoga. Numerous women prefer workout in their housing rather than being front and center in a class.

To purchase these DVDs, you need to shop the full store.There are lots of website are providing the important information to their reputable consumers.

Philip Denzel is the residence workout expert. For women workout condition,womens workout,ballet workout and workout for women suggestions please communicate our website.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to yoga that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our types of yoga website

Friday, May 21, 2010

Kundalini Yoga

To heal and cure almost any disease which is hard to cure by any other available medical methods is the good old qualities and abilities of the Ayurvedic system. In today’s world this oldest practiced system of medicine is gaining more and more acceptance of the people as Ayurvedic medicine has no side effects on a person's health. An individual can take Ayurvedic treatment by online consultation or from information available in various health portals including the brief description about each and every aspect of Ayurveda.

There are a number of websites available in the world of Internet that provides information about Ayurvedic treatment for improving the health. Ayurveda has a lot of useful information about natural care for women too to maintain their health and vitality, beauty care, yoga and meditation, information about several therapies and home remedies. They also inform us about the medicinal qualities of various herbs and plants.

Yoga is also an important phase of Ayurveda that deals with the physical and spiritual development of humans through various postures and forms of exercises. Living a healthier life is a wish of everyone and online yoga consultation is the ultimate source

to receive active yoga sessions whenever and wherever you want. The procedure is quiet easy and simple for attaining health and fitness. You can either join the live yoga consultation or you can have DVDs of the same, whatever suits you.

Combination of both Ayurveda and yoga is remarkable, as it lets an individual to lead a balanced life by following the most ancient and harmless practice of medicine. The ample online information of Ayurvedic treatment and medicine can be used by various sections of people to maintain good health in their daily lives. The scope of Ayurveda is very wide and it is linking not only the country from where it is originated but to the western world also.

Divine Wellness has launched a unique health platform for providing Ayurvedic treatment and online yoga consultation for individual’s use through the latest technologies of interactive web communications.

Visit our website for more information on Ayurvedic treatment, Online yoga consultation and Yoga Classes Online.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to yoga that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our kundalini yoga website.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Yoga Journal

Practicing from thousand of years, the physical exercises or postures known as yoga is surely important from health and fitness point of view. But with the fast moving world, technically, economically, the craze of yoga has increasing like anything among people of Asian as well western world. The sole reason behind it is that man is involving more and more to developed infrastructure and to satisfy his hunger for money, but in all this he forgot to take care of his physical and mental health, which is most important. And who is not aware of the spiritual and physical benefits of yoga? I guess with the growing trend of Internet, everybody is keen to attend the active online yoga consultants.

Earlier yoga was related to the relaxation of mind however, recently it was discovered that it is also related to the relaxation of both mind and body. Yoga has a number of benefits which you can utilize to make your routine scheduled better in terms of health and prosperity. The best part about practicing yoga sessions including various postures and exercises is that you don’t need a so called reserve place. You can literally

practice yoga anywhere and anytime like in the park, in your room, over the roof or even in the back garden of your house, whenever suits you day, evening or morning. Yoga mattress is the only accessories that will require for practicing yoga.

Add on to that it is everyone, so just remove the thought that to perform yoga you need to be a yoga expert. As now there are thousands of online health portals, clubs and centers offering yoga classes from where you can easily get a yoga video or DVD tutorial to help you get started if you do not want to commit to a class.

Divine Wellness, the most comprehensive resource for yoga exercises and postures, offers yoga benefits online via HD video conferencing. There can be various applications of yoga exercises such as yoga for golfers to get Yoga Benefits.

Visit our website for more information on Yoga Benefits online, Yoga benefits and Yoga exercises.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to yoga that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our yoga journal website.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Benefits Of Yoga

Yoga has been emerged as one of most sought after medical therapies to treat various diseases. The main purpose of yoga is to increase the inner body’s strength to make it strong enough fight against several diseases. It is well known fact that doing regular exercises will keep your body healthy and strong. Today’s hectic work life and tight work schedule makes it impossible for an individual to spend time with some exercises.

For those people, online yoga classes become very beneficial with providing online resources to learn various yoga postures in the comfort of your home. However, anyone can schedule a set of exercises but yoga has its own advantages without putting too much stress on your body. Following a regular set of yoga exercises ensure a healthy future for your life. It strengthens the mind, body and soul by establishing a healthy coordination among them.

Nowadays, people are prone to many diseases as they are spending most of their time either in office or in home. Giving some time to yoga exercises provides various health benefits to body. Today, Most of the people in urban cities are affected by various diseases such as hypertension, obesity, high blood pressure, and many more. In order

to keep these diseases away from your life, it is necessary to follow some yoga postures on a regular basis.

Many yoga gurus have incorporated internet technology to spread the benefits of yoga worldwide. People can subscribe to these online yoga classes and start leaning various yoga postures from today itself. It is recommended to start with some basic yoga postures online and then gradually move to advanced yoga postures. You can start with the bridge pose but after stretching your body to avoid chances of any injury.

After subscribing you must practice yoga postures online in a calm and clean place. It will provide added benefits to your body along with peace. A regular set of yoga exercises will also boost your stamina.

Divine Wellness, the most comprehensive resource for yoga exercises and postures, offers yoga postures online via HD video conferencing. There can be various applications of yoga exercise such as yoga for golfers.

Visit our website for more information on Yoga postures online, Yoga for golfers and Yoga Poses.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to yoga that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our benefits of yoga website.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Abby Winters Yoga

A yoga observe is not just a form of work out; it is a scheme of life, its primary goal is to come together the body, mind, and spirit to achieve true personal and universal illumination. Yoga practice never involve a lot of tools, it nedds only a Yoga Mat you and with it you can start practicing Yoga.

Yoga practice discharge stress on the backbone, inspire blood flow and revive the brain, cut fat. Yoga practice give the leisure, power, and force to inside organs of the body. Relaxation is an intrinsic part of Yoga. We are living in an age where we are all the time subjected to tension and pressure of daily life. Habitual practice of yoga relieve tension and helps cope with everyday pressures easily. Yoga is not considered a therapy for particular illness.

Divine Light is a yoga teacher training studio in North Vancouver. We offers various
types of yoga such as : Hatha Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, and Mantra Yoga,
Jnana Yoga, Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga. Our teacher training
curriculum draw upon these society to provide a distinctively substantive and attractive
learning experience. Divine Light program is calculated to combine largely the principles
of yoga as taught by Nakul Kapur. Nakul Kapaur is a Registered Senior Yoga Teacher
with the Yoga Association of BC. For more detalies please visit our website .

Nakul Kapur is the "father of modern yoga." Teacher will learn from teachers who have directly studied with and in many cases been certified / authorized by the major proponents of Nakul Kapur lineage. On a practical level, we are running collectively familiarly. Teachers are taught Asana, HATHA YOGA, Teaching Methodology, KUNDALINI YOGA , Pranayama, Meditation, MANTRA YOGA, Chanting,

Anatomy, Yoga Philosophy the Sanskrit Alphabet. These topics will be taught in a organized, picture perfect manner and include personality guidance by a mentor. Teacher are required to attend at least two regularly scheduled classes per week at the center to do daily home practice and journal writing; and to once weekly practice with fellow trainee.
Yoga help to benefit from enhanced be asleep, a more contented temper, and a clearer and calmer mind.

Our 200-hour yoga teacher training program is designed to supply the training, practice and Nakul’s experience for yoga Teachers to gain the skills and assurance required to become successful yoga teachers. Graduates of this program will be granted all the rights of a Certified Divine Light Yoga Teacher Training.

The curriculum includes training and observe in hatha yoga techniques including centering, warm-ups, postures, breathing exercises, deep relaxation, meditation and integration. In addition to the technique and a institution in yoga viewpoint. You'll learn useful method for scheming classes, introduce new posture, clarifying details and guiding Teachers into a deep, integrated yoga experience balancing precise physical alignment with a patient, reflective, compassionate attitude.

You can have made to order yoga classes to outfit your character needs or you can start with the not compulsory course content for beginners Yoga Course Content. You will find these personalised yoga classes much more useful than most online yoga classes. We are so confident of the quality of our yoga classes.

We have very expert yoga teachers to trained teacher for yoga. These teachers have undergone years of yoga teacher training courses and are experts in their field. Please see the profile of our lead yoga teacher – Nakul Kapur.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to yoga that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our abby winters yoga website.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Hatha Yoga

Yoga is the art of living a sound and healthy life. By enhancing the present status of mind, body and soul and by uniting these three prior elements in a single chord one can lead a perfect righteous life. Different forms of yoga like Hatha yoga, Ashtanga yoga or Kundalini yoga are practiced for ages to help in synchronizing mind, body and soul. Originated in India thousands of years ago, this art and philosophy of yoga implies teaching all people, the steps towards a stress-free life. Regular practicing of various yoga exercises like yoga postures or asanas, breathing exercises or Pranayama, ensure a calm and relaxed state of mind. A healthy mind indicates a healthy body. And yoga when practiced with meditation promises double benefit as meditation wards off all the unwanted thoughts and worries from human mind, thus making it pure like a crystal. Both yoga and meditation yield best result if a little bit of yoga music or meditation music can be incorporated in the practicing.

The main aim of yoga is to achieve the ultimate physical, mental and spiritual well-being of a human being. There are some basic rules which should be kept in mind while practicing yoga. It is advisable for those who learn and practice yoga all by himself, to know these basic yoga norms, or else it may turn harmful. The Yoga DVD offered at the online music company, Spirit Voyage, contains these valuable tips on yoga along with the details illustration of every yoga postures. These DVDs are suitable for all, be it beginners or practitioners. People from allover the world who are day by day showing interest on yoga, find these Spirit Voyage yoga CDs and DVDs truly beneficial. Yoga In Motion by Shakta Kaur Khalsa or Refining the Spirit DVD by Yogi Bhajan are just appropriate for all the yoga aspirants.

The best time to practice yoga is morning as it makes a person free for the whole day from the tension of taking time out for doing yoga. If doing yoga in morning is not possible for someone then he must choose a particular time and stick to that time everyday. It is advisable to practice yoga on a regular basis because irregularity will

not bring the proper result. There is no need to practice yoga twice in a day but at least 15 to 20 minutes in a day should be alloted for doing this at the beginning and then gradually increase it to 1 hour. Try and find a clean, airy, calm and noiseless corner at home, play some soothing yoga music and make the atmosphere perfect for doing the sadhana. A mindful work like doing yoga must be done silently. So, talking or conversing with other person at that time is better to avoid.

Though there is no restriction on normal food habit but the meal-timing is an important factor in yoga practicing. Doing yoga with full stomach is strictly disapproved by the yoga gurus. One can take a light meal an hour before doing yoga. It is always advisable to maintain a proper diet and stay away from any kind of spicy food, fast food, coffee, alcohol or drugs. Try to keep the mind fresh and tension-free at the time of doing yoga otherwise it may hamper the concentration level. Generally during illness one should stop yoga practicing and for women, it should be stopped during their menstruation periods. Ashtanga Yoga: The Practice Manual by David Swenson or Yoga Anatomy by Leslie Kaminoff, Sharon Ellis can help the practitioner by enlightening him with vast knowledge on yoga.

Apart from Yoga books, Spirit Voyage also offers a collection of Yoga DVD, CD on every form of yoga be it Kundalini yoga or Ashtanga yoga. The soulful music of these CDs and DVDs paired with the heart-touching soulful voices of Snatam Kaur, Wah!, Donna De Lorry, Gurmukh, Deva Premal and other legendary singers enrich the collection and make the sadhana more blissful. Another collection of soothing meditation music promises to fill up the heart and reunite the human mind, body and soul with the divine power.

About The Author:

The author writes for Spirit Voyage which is engaged in offering various kinds of yoga DVDs and soulful meditation music. The company offers different CDs and DVDs for practicing Kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to yoga that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our hatha yoga website.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Yoga Poses Galleries

Controlling high blood pressure can be very stressfull for everyone.Heart failure, blindness and kidney failure are just some consequences of suffering from high blood pressure .If you have a very high blood pressure you necessitate to take medicinal drugs in order to keep your blood pressure low, but you necessitate to know that this won`t happen straightaway. If you want to avoid having troubles with blood pressure, then you should have a appropriate life-style. One mode to keep your blood pressure in control is by adopting a diet thought especially for high blood pressure.A special diet is not always sufficient, so is effective to combine it with workout. In point of fact, it has been acknowledged that yoga is doubtlessly the greatest way to lower blood pressure.

Follow a daily routine of exercise, breathing and meditation and pretty soon you will find the benefit blood pressure being lowered immediately. If you have some spare time then yoga is the best way in wich you can strengthen all faculties of your body including enhanced flexibility and strength. Yoga lowers your blood pressure by relaxing the mind and the body. In fact, you can even eventually cure high blood pressure by managing stress reactions like muscle tension that happen mainly in the stomach, neck, face, shoulders and breath. Through yoga you will streghten your respiratory muscles and this will help you to improve the supply of oxygen through the bloodstream.Also, by practicing breathing exercises you can build up your will power, steadiness and concentration thereby having greater control over your blood pressure. Stress is the head list of the risk factors for blood pressure.The good part is that breathing healthy can help you a lot to reduce your reaction to stress. You need to know that if you start practicing yoga asanas

you have all the chances to reduce your high blood pressure forever.Practicing yoga in a regular way can help you understand how to lower your blood pressure not only when you are safe at home but even during emergency times.

Naturally that there are as well other ways to lower blood pressure beside yoga, and these ones are also very healthy to do as well.If you didn`t know yet, a hot bath can lower pressure as it serves in vasodilation which induces the general blood pressure level to drop.Standing up too fast after the hot bath is a really bad idea because if you do so, you might start feeling dizzy or faint.The proper way is to stand easy and try to rest down so that blood can flow back to the head. The better way is to refer to a doctor before doing this. The succeeding step is to relax your mind. Focus your thinkings elsewhere and let your mind drift away to calmer regions. If this is not simple for you, then you can try to listen to some peaceful music or to get a massage as this will better circulation.If you are too tired for yoga and you don`t like hot baths then you can take a nap as sleeping lowers blood pressure. Following a routine to get adequate sleep can help reduce your blood pressure in the long-run. If you want to be sure that you are doing the right thig you can also consult medical practioners on sleep hygiene techniques.Biofeedback is another advice concerning how to lower high blood pressure, and it is based on learning how to control your blood pressure using your thoughts.This can be done while driving, at work or even at a grocery store.
There are a variety of ways to lower blood pressure once you observe some of the possible symptoms of high blood pressure.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to yoga that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our yoga poses galleries website.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sexy Yoga

Yoga is a dynamic form of exercise that began as a spiritual practice in India. Today, although it has little to do with the original Hindu practice, it still provides many of the same benefits.

For those who know the form of yoga exercises, it uses a combination of breathing exercises, along with the physical movement to release the body, while the meditative aspect of yoga helps to relieve the mind and soul.

Benefits of Yoga - There are many benefits to the exercise of yoga. It is known that yoga also helps relieve stress and health benefits. With the fast world of today, it's easy for an individual to become stressed with the daily schedule and this kind of stress and affect the body and mind.

Yoga can also help reduce the stress in your life. There are some other benefits of yoga, including blood pressure, improves sleep, energy and consciousness.

Yoga can also benefit from diseases such as AIDS, cancer and diabetes.

While yoga appears to be the ideal way to healthy living in, it just is not efficient enough to allow most people to achieve their goals of weight loss ideal. In fact, yoga should be used primarily for the benefits it is known.

Yoga is a great exercise to start for those wishing to achieve their fitness goals, but the exercise of yoga should not be the only form of exercise that a person uses to reach an optimal level of fitness.

Yoga does not do much to build lean toned muscle and burn fat, which is what most

people want to do. The Yoga exercise will not allow you to gain the muscle needed to enjoy the many outdoor attractions, but it will give you better control over your breathing to help you travel through the various parks and trails in the region.

The practice of Yoga should be used as a way to free the mind and not as a way to gain physical strength that will make you look good in a public environment.

Using Yoga in your Fitness Plan - For those who want to create a fitness plan, or improve the efficiency of your workout schedule in place, Yoga is a great option. Yoga, however, is not to be done in isolation - away from strength training.

Since Yoga will reduce the stress found from the rest of your exercise plan is a good idea to make yoga a regular part of your healthy lifestyle.

For those who are already experiencing the quality results with your exercise plan, regular practice of Yoga will further enhance the benefits and positive results for the year.

Add Yoga To Your Life - Yoga is not right for everyone, but it is an easy exercise that everyone should try at least once. If you think yoga would be a good addition to your life, you should talk to a professional fitness trainer or yoga gurus.

Read more on Swami ramdev yoga and Yoga Pranayama. And more about Yoga Exercises for health benefits.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to yoga that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our sexy yoga website.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Yoga Mats

Yoga is a time old spiritual practice that tends to unite the mind with the body and the body with the soul. It is a part of Indian ancient heritage which evolved some five thousand years back. With changing times, yoga and different yoga asanas have proved to be beneficial for every man. Yoga is believed to develop discipline and more self control. By integrating one's mind, body and soul, yoga aids a practitioner to experience a harmony between the body and mind. In contemporary times, yoga is a popular concept with every one. The physiological and the psychological benefits of yoga practice have made it an integral part in everybody's life. Yoga is not only the surest antidote to stress, anxiety and other diseases, but it also paves a spiritual avenue to attain self-enlightenment.

In regards to yoga and its various aspects, there are certain things that enhance yoga practice. Music is one of them. Right kind of yoga music helps to soothe the mind and the senses of the listener and direct their consciousness to higher realms. Meditation or Dhyana, one of the key part of the yoga, is also best aided with tranquil music. Meditation music, by invoking stronger moods within a practitioner, helps him to focus on a single point. By drowning all other disturbing noises, meditation music can elevate the consciousness of an individual and gift him spiritual enlightenement. There are numerous record label companies offering different kind of yoga music. Spirit Voyage is one of the leading online music store which offers a variety of Cds and Dvds on yoga and mediation. Be it any yoga form, Kundalini Yoga or Hatha Yoga, Bikrama Yoga or Ashtanga Yoga, Spirit Voyage have a huge collection to choose from. The CD and Yoga DVD collection will not only complement the yoga sessions, but the soothing tones and rhythm shall create a peaceful ambiance.

Like music, yoga accessories are important pre-requisites to the practice of yoga and meditation. Yoga accessories such as yoga mats and yoga rugs will aptly complement the yoga and meditation session. Yoga mats not only cushion the practitioner against the hard flooring, but keeps the body of the practitioner warm. Spirit Voyage offers extra thick yoga mats, extra thin mats and regular yoga mats, available in a variety of colors like green, red, blue, orange, pink, purple, chocolate, black and orchid. Sticky blend of microfiber and natural rubber of these mats offer a better grip for practicing different asanas.

Yoga and meditation rugs offered by Spirit Voyage are tightly-woven with thick weave cotton fibers. These rugs absorb perspiration and avoid slipping on the hardwood floors. These rugs are available in multi-color stripes and are perfect for every yoga styles.


Voyage also offers meditation cushions. The cosmic cushions by Spirit Voyage Yoga Zone are uniquely designed. The cosmic cushions tilts the hips slightly forward, helping the practitioner to maintain the upright posture for the lower back. The tapering wings of the cushions support the entire length of the thighs during long meditations. The central cutout allows the heels to rest naturally close to the body. Zafu Inflatable Cushion by Spirit Voyage are light weighing, durable and washable. Availabale in myriad colors, these cushions offers an increased lumbar support.

Zafu Buckwheat Cushion by Spirit Voyage is a pleated round cushion. It is a perfect companion for meditation. Filled with buckwheat hulls that mold to the practitioner's body and provide cushioning and insulation. These cushions also have convenient handle for carrying.

Spirit Voyage includes Posters and Pictures as a part of the wide array of accessory collection. Prosperity Mandala Poster and Kundalini Yoga Poster are the accessories which immensely helps the in meditation practice. Prosperity Mandala Poster enhances the meditation session and induces prosperous growth. The meditation details are printed on the bottom of the poster for easy and immediate use. In the Kundalini Yoga Poster, Kundalini yoga teacher Jeanine Marzella have demonstrated 36 key Kundalini Yoga poses. The words on the bottom indicate the benefits of practice; awareness, flexibility,grace and strength. It is 24 inches x 36 inches in size and is printed on acid free poster stock.

Yoga Audio instructions CDs and DVDs are also among Spirit Voyage accessory collection. These Yoga instruction CDs offered by Spirit Voyage immensely helps a yoga practitioner to explore the different insights about principles of yoga and meditation.

Today, yoga has become an integral part in everyone's life. With the vast benefits, yoga has become an inseparable entity for every human being. Spirit Voyage aims to help a yoga aspirant to delve deep into a spiritual insight. Spirit Voyage Yoga DVD and CD collection shall guide an individual in an ethereal journey, whereby a stage of eternal peace is reached and the individual merges with his actual 'Self'. Feel refreshed and rejuvenated with as you lend ears to the voice of artistes like Snatam Kaur, WAH!, Deva Premal, Nirinjan Kaur and others.

About The Author:

The author writes for Spirit Voyage which is engaged in offering various kinds of yoga music and meditation music. The company offers different CDs and DVDs for practicing kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to yoga that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our yoga mats website.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Hot Yoga

Meditation defines a state of consciousness, where the mind is free of diverse thoughts and hence can focus on a single point. With regular practice of meditation, body and mind can be drawn towards a higher realms. Meditation leads to a state of consciousness that brings serenity, clarity and bliss. Meditation is one of the proven alternative therapies. With the help of meditation, one can feel more relaxed and can develop a positive view towards life. Meditation, by enhancing the spiritual growth, knowledge and enlightenment, creates an inner relationship with the Supreme. A serene and peaceful state of mind is experienced as meditation transcends the body and the spirit to experience the spiritual reality. From the aspect of physical well being, contribution of meditation is unanimous. Today, many a doctors prescribe meditation for lowering lower blood pressure, curing asthma, relieve insomnia and generally relax the everyday stresses of life.

Music has always been recognized as having a powerful effect on human consciousness. In different yoga forms, Kundalini Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Asthtanga Yoga, music have been an essential guide. Mortal beings have been highly sensitive to the effect of music. Music during the yoga sessions connect an individual to higher spheres and enhance the meditative mood within him. Different kinds of music and sounds effects the body, emotions, mind, and spirit. Music can be a valuable aid to meditation. Meditation Music can drown out any background noises, and help the individual attain a state of extreme peace and calmness, improve concentration level.

The apt meditation music is the one that brings greater harmony within the practitioner and create an atmosphere that is calm and relaxed. Meditation music must contain tranquil and soothing sounds. It must induce a sense of peace and relaxation within the practitioner. Meditation is a state of acute inner consciousness. It is, however, sometimes impossible to reach the pinnacle of concentration. Right kind of meditation music can easily lead one to that profound meditative state. A tranquil meditation music can make one feel inseparable with the Supreme and transcends his soul to an ecstatic spiritual level. Even sounds evolving from gong, bells and bowls also help to create an apt ambiance aiding one to concentrate. The vibrations produced by the gongs strengthen the mind and the nervous system instantly. Sound of gongs create a vibration which facilitates the connection with one's higher self. The use of elements of metal and crystal for meditation, yoga or relaxation, have been used for centuries to tap into energetic frequencies and create deep sound healing.

There are variety of record label companies today that guides a yoga aspirant

with different yoga music CDs and DVDs. These Cds not only compose soothing hymns, tunes, chants and music, but also incorporates audio instructions to help the practitioner for practicing different yoga poses. Spirit Voyage is one of the pioneer online music store which offers a varying yoga DVD and CD collection that create a quiet and inspiring atmosphere, hence induces concentration within the listening mind.

Meditation music collection from Spirit Voyage is designed to soothe the mind, body and spirit. There are Kundalini Sadhana Music, Meditation Music for Relaxation. The Kundalini Sadhana Music collection includes the set of seven meditations, known as Aquarian Sadhana, by Yogi Bhajan, that are to be chanted every morning. While Relaxation music Cds create an environment for deep meditation and relaxes the body and mind.

Japji Sahib and Daily Banis from Spirit Voyage includes audio and video CDs that helps one to focus on meditation. Deep transformational mood is induced as the aspirant recites Japji and other daily banis. Japji Sahib by WAH!, Anand Sahib: The Song of Bliss by Guru Amar Das, So Purkh by Nirinjan Kaur are some of the exclusive meditation music collection .

Spirit Voyage also offers Gongs, Bells & Bowls CDs that have deep healing qualities. Gong The Nucleus of Sound by Yogi Bhajan, Therapeutic Gong by Dr. Hari Simran Singh Khalsa, Sacred Bowls by Michael Perricone are few among the numerous collection.

The online music company, Spirit Voyage essentially seeks to diffuse your mind and spirit in the supreme consciousness. With the myriad yoga music collection, the yoga books, yoga accessories and yoga clothing, Spirit Voyage helps a yoga aspirant to take an inward journey, where he experiences healthy state of mind and body. The different yoga books are the blueprint of practicing the yoga asanas with utmost perfection. Be, it any yoga form, Kundalini Yoga or Hatha Yoga, these books contain in-depth knowledge and let you explore the spiritual sides of yoga. With its huge Yoga DVD collection, Spirit Voyage also helps the yoga beginners in their morning and evening practice.

Music is an effective means that may touch the deepest core of your heart. Step into a divine will with different kinds of yoga music and enlighten your innate energy with Spirit Voyage.

About the Author :

The author writes for Spirit Voyage which offers a collection of yoga music and meditation music CDs and DVDs. This company essentially tend to infuse a spirit of harmony and peace within the people with its collection of yoga DVD, yoga clothing and books.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to yoga that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our hot yoga website.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Raw Food Yoga Centers

Today, a number of drug-free methods are available for people to stop smoking. One of the best methods is to do some yoga or meditation.

You can learn meditation on your own using books, audio-video recordings, or a qualified teacher. Meditation mainly uses guided imagery and breathing exercises to promote a sense of calmness in the mind and body of the smoker.

Four tips that will help you to stop smoking are:

1. Yoga breathing exercises: This excellent yoga pranayama helps you to stop smoking and break other bad habits. The exercise releases the stress and builds lung capacity over a period of time. It calms the mind by fighting anxiety and panic attacks.
For this exercise, sit in a comfortable posture and close your eyes. Take long breaths to relax. Now, block your right nostril with your right thumb and breathe in through the left nostril only. Then, do the same with your left nostril. Don't overstrain yourself. Repeat this pattern for 1 to 30 minutes in one sitting.

2. Exercise to develop willpower: Try the stretch pose of Kundalini yoga to develop your third chakra center. Doing this will increase your willpower. Thus, this is very helpful in breaking the habit of smoking. In addition, your abs will strengthen, your digestive system will improve and you will recover your lost energy and vitality.

3. Consciousness exercise:

One of the best ways to stop smoking is to bring consciousness or awareness to the treatment. To do this, whenever you feel like smoking a cigarette, try to become aware of all the thoughts and actions taking place at that particular time. Observe the whole process of taking out and lighting up a cigarette dispassionately. Doing this will help you break the pattern your body and mind have become accustomed to. Soon, the urge to smoke will fade away.

4. Meditation practice/ Daily yoga: A yoga routine and daily meditation practice has helped many people to stop smoking. Once you regain your health with yoga and know how good your body can feel again, you will not feel like touching a cigarette. As stress related conditions are the main reason why people smoke, some yoga and meditation teachers believe that meditating even without focusing on quitting smoking will naturally diminish the desire or need to smoke, simply by calming and balancing the mind and body.

Meditation will definitely affect your health in a positive way due to its widespread advantages. The benefits will contribute to help you stop smoking in some way or the other. Consult a professional to learn more about applications of meditation to stop smoking.

Learn most effect ways to stop smoking by downloading Stop Smoking Ebook . It’s based on studies over 50,000 people.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to yoga that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our raw food yoga centers website.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Yoga Wear

Yoga and Meditation are ancient principle that strengthen the body and mind. Yoga and meditation provides mental peace and promotes healthy state. With the practice of yoga and mediation, an individual realizes his union of with the Supreme. He is led to the higher realms of consciousness and can experience the ultimate bliss.
Music and yoga are intrinsically connected. Since old ages, music is considered to be an integral part of yoga and meditation. Music is believed to have a profound effect on the human body, the senses and on the nervous system. Thus right kind of music, by inducing the right mood, takes an individual's senses to a state of tranquility, where he may experience the timeless peace. Meditation Music also sets up the proper ambiance by preventing the disrupting sound to reach the practitioner's mind. At the same time, the soothing rhythm, by calming the mind, elevates it to a higher realms of consciousness.

There are different record label companies which offers a variety of yoga and meditation music collection and Spirit Voyage is one of them. Spirit Voyage have myriad of Yoga DVD and CD collection in store. A Hundred Blessings by Mirabai Ceiba, Kundalini Meditation by Harijiwan Khalsa, An Ancient Muse by Loreena McKennitt are some of the latest inclusion in Spirit Voyage Music. There are several newly added Yoga DVD collection, like Light of the Shabad Guru by Yogi Bhajan, Postnatal Yoga with Shiva Rea DVD by Shiva Rea are few among the many.

Spirit Voyage, is not only a pioneer online yoga music store, but also offers different accessories, books and apparels for yoga and meditation. The yoga wear offered by the company are all stitched in natural fibers which offer full comfort to a practitioner. The clothes are all white. Since white absorbs all other colors, it is considered to be the source of radiant energy, which is good for the psyche and the nervous system of a yoga practitioner. Moreover, these apparels does not cling to the body, allowing the practitioner to stretch and flex his body parts at ease.

Different yoga accessories offered by Spirit Voyage includes yoga mats, yoga and meditation rugs, meditation cushions, posters and pictures. Each of these accessories attributed with specific characteristics that perfectly complement yoga and meditation sessions.

The yoga mats are of great use as these cushion the practitioner against the hard flooring, but keeps the body of the practitioner warm. The Extra thick yoga mats, extra thin mats and regular yoga mats offered by Spirit Voyage, are available in a variety of colors like green, red, blue, orange, pink, purple, chocolate, black and orchid. Sticky blend of microfiber and natural rubber of these mats offer a better grip for practicing different asanas.

Be it any Yoga form, Ashtanga Yoga or Kundalini Yoga or Hatha Yoga, the Yoga and meditation rugs by Spirit Voyage assists a practitioner to carry out the yoga asanas with ease. By absorbing perspiration, these rugs prevent slipping

on the hardwood floors. These are tightly-woven with thick weave cotton fibers. Available in multi-color stripes the yoga and the meditation rugs from Spirit Voyage are perfect accessory for meditation as well.

Meditation Malas and Audio Instruction CDs are also the part of Spirit Voyage yoga accessories. The Yoga Audio instructions CDs help a yoga practitioner to discover various insights on yoga and meditation. While the meditation malas are of great use for calming the mind and senses and healing the inner self. These malas can be used in either hand and when the beads are rotated with the specific mantra chants, it brings clarity and harmony to the mind, especially in turbulent situations.

Spirit Voyage Yoga Zone offers uniquely designed meditation cushions. The cosmic cushions are so designed that it tilts the hips slightly forward, helping the practitioner to maintain the upright posture for the lower back. The tapering wings of the cushions support the entire length of the thighs during long meditations. The central cutout allows the heels to rest naturally close to the body. Zafu Inflatable Cushion by Spirit Voyage are light weighing, durable and washable. Available in myriad colors, these cushions offer extra lumbar support.

Zafu Buckwheat Cushion is a perfect companion for meditation. It is a pleated round cushion, filled with buckwheat hulls that mold to the practitioner's body and provide cushioning and insulation. These cushions also have convenient handle for carrying as well.

Posters and Pictures from Spirit Voyage is a part of the wide array of accessory collection. Prosperity Mandala Poster and Kundalini Yoga Poster are the accessories which aids in meditation. Prosperity Mandala Poster rightly complements the meditation session and induces prosperous growth. The meditation details are printed on the bottom of the poster for easy and immediate use. 24 inches x 36 inches, Kundalini Yoga Poster is printed on acid free poster stock. In this Poster, Kundalini yoga teacher Jeanine Marzella have demonstrated 36 key Kundalini Yoga poses. The words on the bottom indicate the benefits of practice; awareness, flexibility, grace and strength.

Spirit Voyage yoga music CDs and DVDs incorporates the peaceful and melodious voice of famous artistes like Snatam Kaur, WAH!, Deva Premal, Nirinjan Kaur, Satkirin Kaur Khalsa and many others. Through the various melodious pieces, chants, hymns and mantras, Spirit Voyage tends to infuse devotional thoughts within the listening mind. Spirit Voyage music inhibits the wandering mind, lifts up the spirit, soothes and rejuvenates the body.

About The Author:

The author writes of Spirit Voyage which is engaged in offering various kinds of yoga music and meditation music. The company offers different CDs and DVDs for practicing Kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to yoga that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our yoga wear website.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Yoga Girls

Yoga and Ayurveda form a powerful combination, when it comes to provide natural benefits. Like for those who want to apply a safe and healthy weight loss program, what is better than the profound sciences of yoga? It involves a system of exercises which help to burn fat, increase metabolism and promote fitness. If we talk about Ayurveda, than we cannot miss its guidelines for proper diet and nutrition. One can avail such benefits of yoga and Ayurveda online through various health related websites.

There are various other benefits of Ayurveda and yoga but out of all these we are focusing on Diet for weight loss. Let’s talk about Ayurveda's dietary recommendations for how to combat obesity, reduce fat and promote healthy weight loss.

Twenty to thirty percent of your diet should be of whole grains. Always include 40-50% vegetables and some fruit in your diet. Avoid fatty foods, dairy, ice cream, meats (especially red meat). As far as drinks is concerned stick to hot drinks instead of cold ones. Drink tea, hot water, instead of cold soda and milk shake. Use more hot

spices in your food like Ginger, cinnamon and coriander. Use pungent, bitter and astringent, flavor in your diet as they will assist in burning fat. The tastes you should generally avoid are sweet, sour and salty.

On the other hand increase salads, beans, dry cereals and cooked grains in your diet. Eat one big meal a day and make it either your lunch or your breakfast. Its better to avoid snacking, have a glass of hot lemonade made with honey. This will help burn fat and keep away the hunger.

Look for more Yoga and Ayurveda benefits online, they will assist you in gaining fitness and healthier life out of all diseases. Increase your standard of living through the natural treatments of yoga and Ayurveda.

Divine Wellness is an online health portal that will provide you interactive information about the natural benefits of yoga and Ayurveda online.

Visit our website for more information on Yoga and Ayurveda benefits, Ayurveda online.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to yoga that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our yoga girls website.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Tantric Yoga

The most apt and complete definition of yoga is that it is the state of union between two opposites - body and mind; individual and universal consciousness; a process of uniting the opposing forces in the body and mind in order to achieve supreme awareness and enlightenment. In today’s age, yoga has become the buzzword in every corner of the world. Through a yoga video online, an instructor seating in some small town in the Himalayas can educate people who have assembled in a large hall in an American city, about the magnificent powers of yoga. A yoga video online can also be customized and modified to the health, spiritual, metabolical and physical needs of one single person. Such yoga downloads are generally designed to allow the person to practice at home or any other place according to his convenience with or without the close supervision of a mentor or guru.A sincere effort is made to keep these yoga video online sessions very simple and easy to learn. As a student of yoga, you are asked to fit the practice of these videos into your schedule as and when you can. It is highly advisable to not go for yoga downloads that surpass your current ability and proficiency at yoga because it can lead to severe health concerns of both physical and mental nature. Constant practice of yoga can be

the single biggest contributor to the improvement in the quality of life that you lead. But for this to happen, you must aspire to achieve high levels of concentration during yoga practice. For example, there are special yoga sessions out there on the internet to help women who are pregnant. These yoga sessions change and become less demanding as the women approach the child birth stage. Similarly, yoga sessions can be customized for the needs of sportspersons. Many a time it happens that a sportsperson injures some vital part of his body but he needs to get fit in time for a crucial match.In such cases, yoga can help immensely in the fast healing of the injury while taking adequate precautions that the injury does not get aggravated due to the wrong technique at yoga.The modern and latest yoga video online sessions go many steps further in making yoga highly personalized. These latest videos are coded using a technology which adapts and modifies these videos at run time according to the progress you have made at learning yoga. Also the sequences that you are asked to practice get chopped and changed almost every time in accordance with your physical abilities. Also there are many yoga downloads available on the internet apart from video sessions. There are several high quality books that explain yoga positions, called asaanas, in simple language and through high resolution pictures of expert yoga practitioners.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to yoga that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our tantric yoga website.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Yoga Pants

Meditation is a state of acute inner consciousness. Meditation is an act of calming oneself to a specific level where diverse thoughts cannot process the mind. Meditation aims to bring the realization of the self and in the process, helps an individual achieve the state of bliss. It gifts peaceful state of mind when all the disturbances within, are effaced and the individual experience true happiness. By practicing meditation, an inner space and clarity is created which enables us to control our mind and thoughts. Mediation enhances spiritual growth and self-knowledge as well as improves mental and physical health. Practicing meditation, can help an individual to calm the turbulent state of mind and gradually help him develop a more relaxed and positive view towards life.

Music have an universal appeal. In realms of meditation, music, by creating a quiet and inspiring atmosphere, induces the right mood for meditation. A positive and devotional attitude is created with right kind of meditation music which easily connect us to higher spheres, and open meditative and religious moods in us. Today, there are many record label companies which offers various meditation and yoga music CDs and DVDs. Spirit Voyage is one of the leading online music stores that offers a variety of collectibles related to yoga and meditation. The site is not only flooded with the varying Yoga DVD and CD collection, but also guides a yoga aspirants with different yoga books and accessories. The yoga books contain in-depth knowledge on various yoga forms like Kundalini Yoga or Ashtanga Yoga and are thus useful resources for any yoga aspirant. Yoga books for children and Health and Wellness Books are also in the offering. Meditations for Addictive Behavior by Mukta Kaur Khalsa, PhD, Gong Yoga by Mehtab Benton, I Am A Woman Yoga Manual by Yogi Bhajan are few of the newly added yoga books in the site.

Spirit Voyage Music induces peace and relaxation within the practitioner. Meditation music from Spirit Voyage, by drowning the background noises, creates an atmosphere that

is calm and relaxed. Collection of Yoga DVD like A Hundred Blessings by Mirabai Ceiba, Into Grace by Guru Shabad Singh Khalsa, Adhara by Nirinjan Kaur will infuse spiritual thoughts within an individual.

Mind and Meditation (4 DVD Set) by Yogi Bhajan, Early Morning Sadhana - DVD by Nirvair Singh Khalsa, Kundalini Meditation by Harijiwan Khalsa are some of the useful DVDs that may perfectly assist a meditation session.

Be it Kundalini Sadhana Music or Music for Relaxation, Healing and Massage Therapy Music or Japji Sahib or Daily Banis, the meditation music from Spirit Voyage is designed for specific meditative practices as well as for healing and deep relaxation. Spirit Voyage offers Gongs, Bells & Bowls CDs that may aptly assist a meditative session. The sound of metals like gong, bells and bowls have deep healing qualities and are suitable for meditation session.

Meditation and Yoga music from Spirit Voyage shall lead you to an inward journey whereby your mind and senses will be rejuvenated. With Spirit Voyage High Energy Yoga Grooves, Buddhist Chants, Sanskrit Mantras or the mystic music for Kundalini Yoga music, experience an eternal bliss and sooth your inner self. The melodious pieces by WAH!, Snatam Kaur, Harijot Kaur Khalsa, Guru Shabad Singh Khalsa, Nirinjan Kaur and others, will create an oasis of tranquility and peace.

Meditation helps one to identify the spiritual realities. The ecstatic feeling of the union with the Supreme is experienced; the mind is transcended to a level where spiritual consciousness reigns. Thus, with meditation, a stage of dynamic awareness is reached, where the individual discovers his true identity.

About the author:

The author writes of Spirit Voyage which is engaged in offering various kinds of yoga music and meditation music CDs and DVDs. The company offers different CDs and DVDs for practicing Kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to yoga that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our yoga pants website.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Yoga Clothes

The concept of Divine Presence is present in almost all the major religions in this world. The phase 'Divine Presence' means the presence of God in each human being or God's presence in nature. Though the Almighty is omnipresent but the mundane and materialistic thoughts and senses prevent the common men from experiencing the Divine Presence within. The path which leads to experience this Divine Presence is a higher level of inner consciousness. Daily mindful practice of various Yoga forms, such as Kundalini yoga or Ashtanga Yoga, can guide a human being in obtaining this higher state of spiritualism. Soulful prayer is also another way of experiencing the Omnipresence. And meditation is well recognized as a form of true prayer which helps human being to contemplate or fix the mind on a single thought. Meditation while practiced with meditation music, opens the human consciousness to the welcome of spiritual understanding.

Meditation keeps a man in perfect peace as the prime focus of mind remains on the realm of Soul. Free from the tangible thoughts and feelings, meditation takes one into a world of divinity. To reach this world of perpetual purity one must retire himself/herself from the world of material senses and silence all the earthly thoughts. Thus, the connection between the human soul and the divine soul is entrenched. This is the state of feeling, a stirring within or feeling the surge of the spiritual life. It is not always possible to take some time everyday for practicing meditation. But, as meditation is a sadhana or a spiritual exertion, the habit should be grown gradually and not suddenly. One needs to prepare the mind, body and soul before starting this sadhana. Likewise Yoga is an age-old science or art of concentrating mind on a single thought. While yoga demands rigorous physical exercise, meditation is all about sitting straight and quietly in a calm place. Soothing devotional music incorporated with these two practices enhances the effect by setting the right mood. Yoga music and meditation music can be played while practicing yoga or meditation.


Voyage is an online music company which offers a vast collection of such spiritual yoga music for all the yoga practitioners. This online company has also offered various DVDs which can help you in learning and practicing yoga and meditation. Both audio and audio-visual CDs and DVDs are available at the site. The audio-instruction CDs offered by Spirit Voyage can help the aspirant to find the solace within his/her own heart. The helpful audio instructions will guide him/her to achieve the higher state of spiritualism where he/she can feel the indwelling presence of the Almighty. Learn to practice yoga, to meditate with Spirit Voyage. Experience the divine love with the guidance of the most suitable yoga DVD like Soul of Healing Meditation by Deepak Chopra or The Yogi's Companion by Lauren Peterson that are offered at the site.

The divine presence prospers human life with universal consciousness and erases all the negativities from within, thus making it pure like a mountain stream. It omits all the obstacles, worries and pains and makes the path to God smooth like a rose petal. And the soulful tunes fill up the air with heavenly purity. Singers like Snatam Kaur, WAH!, Donna De Lorry and Gurmukh have lent their pure voices in these music albums making each yoga DVD truly blissful. Besides the Audio Instruction CDs, Spirit Voyage also offers an admirable collection of books, DVDs, CDs on each and every yoga poses, be it Kundalini yoga or Hatha yoga or Ashtanga Yoga. The collection includes some of the best creations of the modern yoga teachers such as Kundalini Meditation by Harijiwan Khalsa, Advanced Yoga by Rodney Yee and many more. Be the light of the world and feel the oneness with the Supreme Power.

About The Author:

The author writes of Spirit Voyage which is engaged in offering various kinds of yoga music and meditation music. The company offers different CDs and DVDs for practicing Kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to yoga that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our yoga clothes website.

Your Cutting-Edge yoga Resource

Welcome to Yoga Today - your comprehensive yoga resource.

Our mission is to give you the facts you need about yoga — fast — so you can get on the road to taking action right away`.
The Yoga Today website provides a ton of information about yoga. In addition, you will find extensive information on leading yoga to help you on your way to success.

Please have a look at our yoga articles, products, resources, and additional information located throughout Yoga Today.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to yoga that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our yoga website.

In case you have back pain problems and think that yoga might help you it's a must that you ask your doctor about this first. Pain in the back is quite often associated with biomechanical imbalance in the structure of the spine. And taking that into account your doctor may spinal structures. Your doctor can inform you about:

* certain movements to not be performed
* the right amount of physical challenge in your condition
* safety tips
* possible interactions between your medications and active exercises

How can a yoga instructor help you?

After speaking with your physician you have to inform your yoga instructor about your peculiar requirements. If it's a good instructor he or she will make everything possible to meet these requirements and free you of any possible discomfort. It's important to discuss these things as you want your yoga practice to be beneficial as well as safe.

Keep the balance

Yoga is all about achieving and maintaining a delicate balance between muscle strength and flexibility, which are often the reason for back pain if imbalanced. Muscle tension in such regions as shoulders and hips strongly affects the spine, and yoga is employed to help relax the muscles and ease the tension, which is very beneficial for relieving back pain. Besides, you gain muscle strength and more flexibility than before.

What type of yoga to use?

Yoga is known for a rich variety of styles it's available in, ranging in intensity, concept and primary focus. Some styles have stronger emphasis on the spiritual side of things, while others have a purely physical application. If you want to relieve back pain and improve your body the best style to start with is hatha yoga. It's

quite gentle and relaxing, while still providing the necessary stretch and body relaxations. Yoga styles such as Kundalini, Ashtanga or Bikram also have a strong focus on the physical aspect but are much more rigorous and won't be quite beneficial for starts, especially those with back problems.

Improve body awareness

Yoga is all about improving your body awareness and making you feel each and every alignment of your body, as well as being able to control and relax your body in whole. Just like Pilates it's focused on core improvements rather than on separate aims, however yoga has less focus on abdominal work if compared to Pilates.

Where yoga can help

Taken by its very concept yoga is very beneficial for the back in general, especially with improving problems that are caused by postural alignment conditions. Doctors have found yoga more effective than regular exercises for the back, especially with patients suffering from lower back pains. These are some of the most common conditions that you can improve by exercising yoga:

* kyphosis
* scoliosis
* lordosis
* stenosis
* intervertebral disk issues
* nerve root issues

Of course, this doesn't mean you have to stop taking Tramadol and hope that yoga will make the pain go away in a single session. On the contrary. It's a gradual process that will require patience and will provide substantial improvements over the long run. So if you are suffering from acute pains and want them to go away, you can still use your medications (such as Tramadol) in order to achieve better effects. Yoga has no interactions with medications so you can still use the drugs your doctor has prescribed you with until you can do without them.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to yoga that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our bikram yoga website.