Friday, July 30, 2010

Yoga Exercises

Starting Yoga - Classes Or Dvds?
By Rosie Reynolds
There are various DVDs and videos on yoga, usually with an instructor who takes you through many different exercises and breathing techniques. Although they can be great in the sense that you can practise in the comfort of your own home and fit yoga around your usual routine, a good teacher can make a huge difference in how well you succeed. DVDs and videos are great as supplementary materials later on when you are more confident and have learnt and received guidance from a teacher.

There are many different types of yoga and many styles of teaching. Shop around and find a yoga type and teaching style that best fits your needs. You should also consult your physician, and let your teacher know if you have any health problems.

How to find a good Yoga teacher?

Finding a good yoga teacher is like finding a good doctor or hairdresser-you have to ask around and then try out a few different people. Also, ask the instructor plenty of questions:

Is the yoga being taught vigorous or gentle?
What is a good class time for beginners?
Should I bring anything, like a yoga mat, or is that supplied?
How much is each class?
Where was the teacher trained? (Most teachers should have 200 to 500 hours of training.)
How long has the teacher been instructing?

A good teacher will try verbal instruction before using hands-on adjustments. Demonstration by a teacher should only be done when is necessary. A teacher performing poses can't possibly watch what you are doing. The class

is for you the student. You need a teacher who can react to your individual needs and guide you in to the correct poses. Asking before class about prior yoga experience, injuries, etc is an indication that the teacher is attentive to your needs.

An important aspect of yoga is that it is non-competitive. Students work at their own ability level, being sure to respect the body and its limitations. You should never go beyond what is comfortable and reasonable and a good yoga teacher will help you determine what is appropriate for you in each pose.

Classes can also be a fantastic way of meeting new people in a friendly relaxed environment.

Article Source:

Rosie Reynolds provides more information on how to start yoga on her website.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to yoga that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our yoga exercises website

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Yoga Clothing

Is Yoga For Me?
By Rosie Reynolds
The word 'yoga' means to unite in Sanskrit, the language of ancient India. It is a physical and mental discipline that has been practiced for thousands of years. Yoga helps to bring harmony in to our lives by uniting mind, body and spirit. Yoga can be more accurately described by the Sanskrit word asana, which refers to sitting meditation and yoga postures.

The practice and study of yoga assist in bringing a sense of balance of body and mind. Most practices in the west focus on the physical side of yoga. Though, yoga offers breathing exercises and meditation as well as harmony to the body. Hatha is the most popular type of yoga. It is a slow-paced discipline that emphasizes controlled breathing and assuming several physical poses. It is said to aid the nervous system, the glands and the vital organs.

The marvellous benefits of yoga begin almost immediately as the mind becomes clear and the body softens. It encourages a sense of inner knowledge and stability.

Yoga Poses

The practice of yoga exercises and poses can improve your health and help to develop your mental awareness. yoga is not just about stretching, its about creating balance through strength and through flexibility. Each pose is designed to ease and soothe the muscles, to tone the internal organs, and to improve flexibility. Along with the proper breathing, they help rid the body of tension.

Yoga only really needs a small

amount of space as long as there is enough for you to lie down. It is also recommended to use a mat or folded blanket that will protect
your body and make you feel comfortable throughout the yoga practice. There are many yoga props and equipment available to assist and make you as relaxed and comfortable as possible.

Why not give it a try, the benefits are fantastic!

Yoga can be practiced by young and old, if you have any doubts or suffer from a medical condition it is always best to check with a doctor first.

Article Source:

Rosie Reynolds provides information on starting yoga on her website.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to yoga that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our yoga clothing website.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Iyengar Yoga

How To Concentrate In 4 Magic Steps
By J.Reider
One of the main problems that deter a person's success is their lack of concentration. Lapses encourage disturbances to get in the way and stall progress. If ones wishes to proceed on their road to success, it is imperative they learn how to concentrate. Here, we show you some easy to learn exercises that are easy to implement.

1) Silence or Noise:
Most people cannot concentrate when it is too noisy, but others work better with music or others in the midst of a crowded room. If you are not aware as yet what best suits you, then try out the different environments. How? Take a notepad and a pencil or pen with you and try and write down a letter in all the three circumstances in a set amount of time. Ten minutes. That is all you will need to determine where your source of concentration lies. How? Check not only for length but also for development as that is more important.

2) Focal Point:
Every morning, before you leave for work or on the way, stare at any object for ten minutes. You can do this while in the toilet, car or bus. You will find this difficult, but whatever happens, do not move your gaze away. Hold it. Wait. And then, as the minutes pass you will find yourself deeply meditating about things that happened to you yesterday or challenges you have to face in a few minutes. Congratulations. You have just conquered the art of meditation.

3) Deep Breathing:
In the beginning, you can do this while staring at the object from tip number two, but if you wish to move towards real concentration, do this separetly. Sit down on the floor. If its hard, place a cushion. Close your eyes. Breathe. Count the number of inhales. When you have reached 100, start counting backwards but this time count the exhales. Mastering this will take you a while, but once you

do move on to other kinds of mathemathical calculations such as naming the months of the year from December backwards or alphabetically. After that, make up exercises as you like.

4) Movement:
Focus on an animal: cat, dog or even ant or bird. Follow their every movement as if they exist in a vaccumm. Study every tiny spot on their body. The point of this is to learn how to diversify your concentration in such a way that movement does not deter you from your goal.

Practice the above four tips and like magic, you will start enjoying life to its fullest because you will be able to focus on the things you want to focus on and disregard those that disrupt. Practive the above tips daily and you will be that much more closer to achieving your dreams and goals. Best of Luck!

Article Source:

Though Sharmila Pundit is better known for her articles on online casinos and such activites, Sharmila is also a freak of meditation and has travelled to India many times. She practices the above tips whenever she gets the time.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to yoga that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our iyengar yoga website.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Pilates Yoga Masaje

Baddha Konasana – A Great Asana For Hip And Groin
By sharon hopkins
This help to the pelvic area stimulates the reproductive organs which are of great help to women as well as men. The performance of this asana also helps in alleviating the menstrual pain problems. It is very useful to have a comfortable child birth, if practiced regularly during the period of pregnancy. Also clears menopause related problems.

Baddha Konasana stimulates the abdominal organs as well as the ovaries, prostate gland, bladder and kidneys. It energizes your heart which improves the blood circulation and provides the all needed help to your body. This asana stretches the inner thigh, groin and knees which gives your body an agile and toned look. If you have problems like depression or anxiety this asana can help you overcome that problem. People with sciatica problem can also be treated by performing this asana regularly. It is a great asana because of its tremendous benefits for our aching and paining body. Known to be a therapeutic treatment for flat feet and similar other problems to be dealt by this asana. The practice of Baddha Konasana prevents the attack of many other diseases.

The forward bending asana helps in opening the back of the Anahata chakra. It can be greatly used for back pain problems. This asana should either be done in the beginning to open up the hips or at the end to relax your body. You should avoid doing this asana if you have a groin or knee injury. It is very important to perform this asana while sitting on a blanket as it gives support to your thighs. This asana is very important if it is done properly and enough time is given on every step. This is a very hard

pose to manage on your own; maybe you should take help from your yoga teacher or a partner. You can make this pose much deeper by adding variations to it. The can be done by stretching their arms out in the front with the palms on the floor and forehead placed on the ground by extending the spine.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautions before following any of the asanas from this article and the site. To avoid any problems while doing the asanas, it is advised that you consult a doctor and a yoga instructor. The responsibility lies solely with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Article Source:

For More Article Visit ::“>

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to yoga that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our pilates yoga masaje website

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Anti Gravity Yoga

The Benefits Of Yoga For Children
By Elizabeth G.MorganV
Various trends and fads have come and gone with fitness and exercise which makes it very easy to be cynical about any new developments in this field. However, because of the believed benefits of both mental and physical health yoga has been able to endure and become a favorite.

Having children practice yoga is becoming an increasingly popular trend. Like adults, children do not get enough exercise according to studies by experts and they can also exhibit tension and stress - therefore the perfect solution for overworked children is yoga.

Finding the Right Place

It is important to research the yoga class you are thinking of having your kid join as with any class or group. Talk with the instructors and ask them how spiritual their classes will be since some parents may be put off by the very religious nature of the Eastern/Buddhist influence.

It is also a good idea to find out how physically demanding the class is. The more strenuous positions may be dealt with by children that are natural athletes, but children who are beginners might need to be signed up for a more basic course.

For some parents, just the thought of sending a child to a yoga class is seen as too trendy. However, there are some organizations out there that are working to make the idea of yoga for children not so foreign. Converts out of skeptics can happen if your read up on the information available.

Just as much as adults, children need to find balance and peace of mind. Since yoga is so successful with adults, a natural progression seems to be developing and adapting it for children Yoga Fitness Exercises. The benefits of yoga in young children’s health is promoted by a group called YogaKids International. The website of this large organization is where people can get information on

their mission as well as locations, teachers, equipment and accreditation.

Is it Right for Your Kid?

There is a pensive, spiritual side to yoga in addition to the physical part which is the most important part of the exercise. Yoga might be a problem therefore if your child’s attention span doesn’t allow them to sit still longer than the average commercial break.

This don’t mean hyperactive children can’t benefit from yoga, it just means that you need to have a patient instructor who has prior experience in dealing with children - particularly those who are antsy at the thought of sitting on a mat and concentrating on breath when they would rather be in front of a television screen annihilating galaxies. It is this children who will benefit the most from yoga Yoga for Beginners.

Article Source:

Elizabeth Morgan is an expert on the Yoga for Children. Yoga Fitness Exercises and Yoga for Beginners.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to yoga that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our anti gravity yoga website.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Raw Food Yoga Schools

How To Pick Yoga Mats
By David Yuri
If you’ve reached the conclusion that yoga is the perfect thing for you at this point in your life, you probably know that you need to look for yoga classes somewhere in your area. However, for those who don’t have access to classes or do, but they don’t fit their immediate needs, there’s always the option of practicing yoga at home. And for this, you need a yoga mat – so check out yoga mat reviews and take your pick.

There’s a series of easy steps to be taken before starting to practice yoga in the comfort of your own home. First, you need a yoga walkthrough – they’re easy to find as either books or dvds are now widely available online. In fact you can find just about anything if you search the web, even if what you’re looking for is a childs yoga mat. It’s best to check out the available offers, find out what would be better for your use and then choose to buy something that will help you relax while practicing yoga.

While taking courses, you’ll probably have a mat available for use at the local yoga center. Otherwise you need to purchase one of your own. Still, you might want to buy one even if you’re taking a class. This way, you can be sure you can practice more, at home. So, look out for yoga mat reviews by either users or producing companies and decide which one helps release nervous tension more.

The first and probably most important criteria when buying a yoga mat or a pilates mat is its material. Its main purpose is to ease pain in certain positions and actually keep you from feeling the floor. As yoga mat reviews will most certainly point out, a thick yoga mat can seem to ease pain better, but it will also be stuffy and harder to carry around. Even more, it might not be as firm as needed. Therefore, the best choice for either pilates mats or yoga mats would be balanced between thickness and firm grip on the floor, depending on what style of yoga you’re practicing. Try a gaiam yoga mat. This brings us to our next point regarding the material the mat is made of. If it’s possible, buy an environment friendly mat (for example, instead of artificial, regular rubber yoga mats, the harmony natural rubber yoga mats are recommended). These are, of course, more expensive, but your body will be thankful.

The next step consists in actually matching the size (the length) of the mat to your height.

You wouldn’t want a mat that is too small because who knows what injuries might occur. So depending on the available space and your dimensions, consider that the bigger the mats are, the better you feel on them.

Don’t forget to match apparently random elements to your preferences as well. Its color is crucial in determining your mood and the way you relate to it. Other small details also contribute to the overall effect. You could go for a sticky mat for example, which will have a better grip to the floor. You should also pay attention to the small bumps some yoga mats might have – they indicate which side should be up.

Any yoga fan with self respect should take care of his yoga mats accessories. Your yoga mat roll deserves to be transported around safely. The best way to choose your yoga mat carrier is also through yoga mat reviews. It would also be a great idea to own a yoga mat spray, ideally with an antibacterial yoga mat. Furthermore, according to yoga mat reviews, yoga mats need certain maintenance, but if you’ve made the right choice, it will undoubtedly hold out wonderfully in time.

Article Source:

One of the most influential mood factors when practicing yoga , especially for beginners, is the yoga mat. Pick it to best suit your requirements and you’ll soon find out how indispensable it is for rewarding yoga. To find out opinions from other users about their own experience with additional equipment, check out our yoga mat reviews.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to yoga that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our raw food yoga schools website.