Is Yoga For Me?
By Rosie Reynolds
The word 'yoga' means to unite in Sanskrit, the language of ancient India. It is a physical and mental discipline that has been practiced for thousands of years. Yoga helps to bring harmony in to our lives by uniting mind, body and spirit. Yoga can be more accurately described by the Sanskrit word asana, which refers to sitting meditation and yoga postures.
The practice and study of yoga assist in bringing a sense of balance of body and mind. Most practices in the west focus on the physical side of yoga. Though, yoga offers breathing exercises and meditation as well as harmony to the body. Hatha is the most popular type of yoga. It is a slow-paced discipline that emphasizes controlled breathing and assuming several physical poses. It is said to aid the nervous system, the glands and the vital organs.
The marvellous benefits of yoga begin almost immediately as the mind becomes clear and the body softens. It encourages a sense of inner knowledge and stability.
Yoga Poses
The practice of yoga exercises and poses can improve your health and help to develop your mental awareness. yoga is not just about stretching, its about creating balance through strength and through flexibility. Each pose is designed to ease and soothe the muscles, to tone the internal organs, and to improve flexibility. Along with the proper breathing, they help rid the body of tension.
Yoga only really needs a small
amount of space as long as there is enough for you to lie down. It is also recommended to use a mat or folded blanket that will protect
your body and make you feel comfortable throughout the yoga practice. There are many yoga props and equipment available to assist and make you as relaxed and comfortable as possible.
Why not give it a try, the benefits are fantastic!
Yoga can be practiced by young and old, if you have any doubts or suffer from a medical condition it is always best to check with a doctor first.
Article Source:
Rosie Reynolds provides information on starting yoga on her website.
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