Can Yoga Cure Obesity?
By Paul
Yoga increases the concentration of mind and builds your focus and health. It also reduces the stiffness in your body thus making it more flexible.
One of the most common problems faced by this generation is obesity. Today, obesity is being cured with many advanced techniques like gastric bypass surgery, diet pills and squeezing the size of stomachs. For a shorter duration it may please, but it does not help in the longer run. Most of the obese people consume pills in the U.S. and it tackles the problem for a short duration. But once the intake is stopped the weight begins to increase again.
Studies have shown that yoga can reduce weight and that too within a month. Many of them think it incredible, but it holds true. But you need to follow a few steps such as drinking 5-6 glasses of water every morning. Practicing a lot of asanas such as Pranayam, which is a very beneficial exercise. It literally means the ‘control of breath’ in the Sanskrit language. The advantages of these exercises are innumerable. They enhance your memory, eyesight, and concentration and also bring down your excessive weight. You can sit anywhere and perform yoga, be it indoors or outdoors.
It makes the digestive tract function smoothly and allows quick digestion of foods. Due to these factors, the chance of obesity reduces. Yoga is indeed a fabulous program and for all age groups.
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